City Ordinances
Please download our current city ordinances.
City Council Meetings
City council usually meets the first or second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm at The New Community Center.. The date of the meeting a sign will be posted in the community center window. It is possible that it will be on a different day. These meetings are open to all community members. We encourage everyone to take a part in our amazing community. Meeting minutes will be posted below.
May 2024
Other Important Information
Storm shelter: In the event if a storm the Gilby Church will be opened for shelter if needed.
City Cleanup: To promote city wide cleanup in May of each year the City of Gilby in conjunction with Svoboda Sanitation will designate two weeks in May as city clean up. If you have questions about larger items, please reach out to Svoboda Sanitation to see if they are able to take item (701-869-2629)
Pet Clinic: In May of each year the city holds a pet clinic with a licensed veterinarian providing vaccinations. YOU MUST LICENSE you pet with the city (proof of vaccination is required) if you live within the city limits. There is NO CHARGE TO LICENSE YOU PET. We ask that you please abide by this rule for the safety of our city residents. We will post signs prior to the clinic to inform of date and time of pet clinic